Friday, October 5, 2012

Inaugural Post

Greetings to All,

I originally wanted to post something pertaining to the current Presidential Campaign or even specifically to discuss the first debate but as this is my first post I would probably be getting ahead of myself.  My one or two readers may not know where I am coming from or even where I am going so a little about me first.

I am a firm believer in limited government. The US Constitution was written by our founders to spell out that limited government however due to various "crises" and "statist creeping" we have allowed our limited Federal system to get out of hand.  The current federal bureaucracy is a giant sloth (my apologies to sloths everywhere) which continues to gobble up large chunks of our economy.   The growth rate of the federal budget far outstrips both the increase in GDP and the inflation rate.

I believe the biggest threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the huge bureaucracy that exists today.  Remember the Politicians write and pass the laws but then it is a bureaucrat who "interprets" those laws and creates the rules which are then entered into the US Federal Code.  It is the best interest of the bureaucrat to write the rules in such a manner that helps increase their power and also increase the number of jobs they control within their dominion. 

The rules are often confusing and not easy to understand.  Of course that requires additional people to interpret those rules so that the public can properly follow the rules.  Again this adds to the required number of bureaucrats.  In essence, this "monster" that we have created continues to evolve and create new ways to increase it's size.

OK....enough ranting for now.

As you can see from my background picture, I have been in awe of Benjamin Franklin my entire life.  Was he perfect...No.  But he was certainly the American "Renaissance" Man.  A writer, inventor, statesmen, and from the stories a pretty "fun" guy. Plus he loved a good beer.  What more can I say.

Until next time.....



  1. Eddie - "Remember the Politicians write and pass the laws but then it is a bureaucrat who "interprets" those laws and creates the rules which are then entered into the US Federal Code."

    You do realize that the bureaucrats that you are describing is what us common folk know as the Supreme Court, which is the same Supreme Court that is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, Affirmative Action, and Same Sex marriage. So much for the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  2. Bill,

    From your quote of my Blog in your comment, you are obviously oblivious to the internal workings of our Federal Government. Just because your perception of reality is different from mine that doesnt change the reality. Laws enacted by Congress and signed by the President are incorporated into the US Code through the rule making process by the Federal Agencies. These agencies obviously use those enacted laws as guidance but laws are often written with generalities which allow for broad interpretations. Federal Agencies also allow public comment when rules are being inacted or changed. The bureaucrats I was refering to are those career federal employees who write the rules. Now you may feel those employees are altruistic and would never write or change rules which would directly benefit them by enlarging their departments but in my view that is not the case!

    This is also the first time I have ever heard a Supreme Court Justice called a bureaucrat! I had to check the official definition of a bureaucrat and came up with the following:

    1. An official of a bureaucracy.
    2. An official who is rigidly devoted to the details of administrative procedure

    I guess you could call the Judiciary a bureaucracy and the Justices would be the officials. The budget of the Judiciary is only 6.8 billion which is a very small percentage of outlays. When "the common folk" speak of the Federal Bureaucracy they are usually referring to the executive branch.

    Now for a few questions:

    What Federal Law did Roe v. Wade overturn?

    If a person is offered employment over a more qualified individual simply due to race, creed, gender, or sexual orientation how is that not discrimination and how is that not in violation of the 14th amendments equal protection clause?

    Did I miss something? I did not realize that the Supreme Court has ruled on the issue of Same Sex Marriage.

    You have probably tagged me as some sort of crazy conservative. Though I do vote republican I am of the Libertarian variety. I may surprise you with my views on same sex marriage though and may share them with you if answer my questions thoughtfully and without the left leaning rhetoric!
